Sunday, December 16, 2012

Container garden

With all the problems between code enforcement and the raised garden I have decided to go back to container gardening.  I already have a good collection of pots so I went through them.  The cheap thin plastic ones have dry rotted in the Florida sun.  Those will be discarded.  Some of the 'self watering' pots are still good and will be used.  The fiberglass pots have all lost there color and the terracotta have mildew on them.  So after washing them all they all received a coat of paint.


Different shades of green were used with some blue just for fun.  Rustoleum paints were used.  One pot with heavy was even painted with 'hammered' paint.  Still have a strawberry pot to clean and paint but for the most part everything is done.


Going forward terracotta pots will be bought.  Those will last for ever unless dropped.  The plastic ones will always look cheap and don't last in the Florida sun.  Fiberglass while it looks nice and sometimes fancy lasts longer than plastic but will fall victim to the sun as well.

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